PERFORM: Golf Greens

  • High shoot density repairs problematic greens
  • Creates a superior surface for putting
  • Tolerates wear and tear and close mowing

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Product Description

Usage Guide


Q & A (7)

Product Description carrat-down

Rejuvenate your golf greens with PERFORM: Golf Greens, an expert blend of the very best browntop bentgrass and fescues to create dense greens. An ideal mix for repairing or regularly reseeding, PERFORM: Golf Greens promotes disease resistant and fine greens all year round. The browntop bent species in this mix helps to bring uniformity to enhance your existing greens or as part of major renovations.

Mixture Breakdown

45% Slender Creeping Red Fescue
45% Chewings Fescue
10% Browntop Bentgrass

Usage Guide carrat-down

For expert advice on how to renovate or overseed golf greens please send us an email to [email protected] so we can best assist you and tailor a seeding / fertilising programme to your needs.

Recommended Mowing Height 4mm

Sowing Rate

35 grams per m2

Bag Coverage

2kg covers 57m2
10kg covers 286m2
20kg covers 571.5m2

Aftercare carrat-down

For expert advice on how to renovate or overseed golf greens please send us an email to [email protected] so we can best assist you and tailor a seeding / fertilising programme to your needs.

Q & A (7) carrat-down

Product Questions

how long does it take from sowing to germination?? I sowed my seed on the 29th and 30th of September lots of rain the past 3 days like around 3-4 inches very unusual though my soil is quite Sandy so drains well also used the preserving fertilizer
Question by: Harry Hancock on 4 Oct 2020, 16:57
Hi Harry

Thank you for your enquiry. Germination usually takes between 7- 14 days depending on the weather. It is a little cooler now so things can be slower. I would give it another week or sow and you should start to see something. If not you email us directly on Expert@thegrasspeople and we can advise.

Answer by: Roisin McCann on 5 Oct 2020, 13:29
We live in south Mississippi. What type of seed can we put with the Bermuda on our greens to help them out
Question by: Ricky Alexander on 23 Apr 2021, 18:03
Hi Ricky

Unfortunately, our products are not available outside of the UK and we do not offer international shipping.

I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Answer by: Roisin McCann on 27 Apr 2021, 07:29
How would you suggest to best prepare the ground - does this require a sandier top soil? How much would you put down?
Question by: Jonathan on 26 May 2022, 17:36
Hi, thanks for your question.

We have a full guide that you may wish to check out on golf green maintenance:

If you are repairing any divots, we would suggest using coarse-grained sand, and we also have a guide on this:

Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Answer by: Helen McGale on 27 May 2022, 13:47
Is this seed good for heavy clay soil wet in winter dry in summer given that it contains fescues?
Question by: Mike Owers on 20 Oct 2023, 20:22
Hi there, yes - this seed mix performs well in clay soils in both winter and summer.
Answer by: Andrew Clarke (Admin) on 23 Oct 2023, 09:57
Spreading seeds via a seed hopper with 0-10 settings would you recommend for 35g seed per sqm a setting of 4?
Question by: Mike Owers on 20 Oct 2023, 23:18
Hi Mike, thank you for getting in touch.

Unfortunately, we can not be 100% accurate on the settings on your spreader as we did not manufacture the spreader.

However, you can achieve the correct spreading by looking at the settings for your spreader and setting it to spread the seeds at a rate of 35g per m2.

Always be cautious not to apply too much product, and if you are unsure, it is best to work with a lower setting to avoid the risk of damage.

If there is anything else we can help with, please do not hesitate to get in touch and contact our experts at [email protected]
Answer by: Andrew Clarke (Admin) on 23 Oct 2023, 10:06
Given the fescue make up of perform golf greens, is this a good seed for heavy clay soil wet in winter dry in summer?
Question by: Mike Owers on 20 Oct 2023, 23:20
Hi Mike, thank you for your question. Yes, this can also be used in clay soils and will perform well throughout the year!
Answer by: Andrew Clarke (Admin) on 23 Oct 2023, 09:54
After seeds appear how soon can this be achieved? The recommended mowing heights?
Question by: Mike Owers on 24 Oct 2023, 10:28
With the right temperatures and conditions, it can can take between 6-8 weeks for the lawn to fully establish. The recommended mowing height for this mix is 20-40mm
Answer by: Roisin McCann (Admin) on 1 Nov 2023, 12:03

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