1. Growing wildflowers in the garden is easy
There are many weird and wonderful things that we love about growing wildflowers in the garden. Weird? Their names – (Sneezewort, seriously?). Wonderful? How absolutely easy they are to sow, grow and maintain.
Wildflowers don’t require all the pruning and preening typical garden plants need. Wildflowers do indeed need a little bit of prep and some maintenance at the end of summer to keep them coming back, but apart from that, they do exactly what they’re supposed to – grow wild! You can find out just how easy it is to grow wildflowers in the garden in our guide on adding wildflowers to your garden.
2. Adding wildflowers to your garden helps local wildlife
One of the contributors to the plummet in the UK bee population is the loss of natural habitat for bees. You can help encourage bees and pollinators to come and visit your garden by planting pollinator-friendly flora. All of our wildflower seed mixes contain wildflowers found on the RHS Plants for Pollinators list – so they are guaranteed to attract the little fluffy fellas! Planting wildflowers is a win-win for everyone; you get some stunning low-maintenance flora, and you’re doing your bit for the bees!
3. Wildflowers are perfect for adding to planters
Have you got a large planter that you’re struggling to know what to fill it with? Sometimes, planting different types of plants/flowers/herbs, etc., means your planter cohabitants are constantly battling it out for space. Wildflowers? They like poor soil, and they’re just happy to be part of the party! Sow a 100% wildflower mix like our Annuals or Meadow Magic, to see your planter come back to life and reward you with all summer-long blooms that won’t battle for anything other than your attention!
4. These pretty flowers turn shaded spots into special ones
Have you got a shaded part in your garden where grass won’t grow, and you want to make something special of it once and for all? Why not try our Shaded Area wildflowers? Wildflowers are well known for their ability to grow just about anywhere, but for areas of your garden that receive little sunlight throughout the day, we created this shade-tolerant wildflower seed mix! So, if you’ve got a spot just under a tree where grass won’t grow, try planting some of these wildflowers underneath! Do you have a spot behind a fence or shed that’s left you hopeless? Give these a go.
5. Wildflowers can fill uninteresting areas of your garden
If you’ve got problematic soils like heavy clay or sandy soils, where things struggle to grow, wildflowers may be the one for you. The soil makeup in many gardens is not completely consistent – this could mean that some areas of your lawn have great soil and others… well, not so great. For those problematic patches, wildflowers are a great solution. We have wildflowers that root deeply and penetrate heavy clay soils to enhance their growth.
Everyone has an awkward spot in their garden that they’re unsure what to do with or a plant pot that’s been empty for far too long. Well, wildflowers are the answer. Not only are all of the above perfect reasons to grow wild, but wildflowers are also a serious problem solver for when you’re at a loss for thoughts of what to plant next! There are no losses with these lovely lots of wildflowers – only gains!
For further reading on adding wildflowers in the garden: