Perennial Ryegrass
• Hardwearing
• Can cope with temperature changes
• Germinates at low temperatures
• Grows rapidly once established
• Seeds per gram: 1000
• Minimum recommended mowing height 15mm
Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass
• Hardwearing
• Tolerant of shade and drought
• Ability to recover well after traffic
• Seeds per gram: 4000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 10mm
• Leaves have a blue tint and is sometimes referred to as Kentucky blue grass
• Tolerant of cold weather
• Exceptionally shade tolerant
• Drought tolerant
• Seeds per gram: 4000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 10mm
• Commonly found in the lower reaches of the German and Austrian Alps
Strong Creeping Red Fescue
• Fine leafed
• Drought tolerant
• Good for a range of applications
• Seeds per gram: 1000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 6mm
• Found in many habitats thoughout the UK and Europe - grassland, moorland, hedgerows, semi dunes and waste ground
Slender Creeping Red Fescue
• Very fine leaves
• Salt tolerant
• Reasonably drought tolerant
• Tolerates close mowing
• Seeds per gram: 1000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 5mm
• Found around the coastal areas of Britain and is used on links golf courses
Chewings Fescue
• Fine leaved and densely tufted
• Drought tolerant
• Tolerates close mowing
• Seeds per gram: 1000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 5mm
• Named after Mr Chewing who first sold the seed in New Zealand
Sheeps Fescue
• Very fine leaved
• Tolerates most soil types
• Drought tolerant
• Low nutrient requirements
• Shade tolerant especially tree shade
• Seeds per gram: 1000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 5mm
• A hardy plant with a tufted habitat that only grows to 60 cm
Hard Fescue
• Very fine leaved
• Drought tolerant
• Low nutrient requirements
• Shade tolerant especially tree shade
• Seeds per gram: 1000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 5mm
• Imported from Germany and introduced into Britain during 19th century
• Found on stony and sandy soils
Highland Browntop Bent
• Drought tolerant
• Tolerates a wide range of soils
• Good winter green colour
• Seeds per gram: 10,000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 5mm
• Originating in the Mediterranean region but now found across Europe, North America and New Zealand
• Used in lawn and amenity mixtures
Browntop Bent
• Fine leaved
• High shoot density
• High maintenance requirements
• Tolerates very close mowing
• Seeds per gram: 15,000
• Minimum recommended mowing height: 4mm
• Used on golf greens to help produce correct ball roll