Why? Well, coverage of the use of wildflowers on roundabouts and roadside verges has been a hot topic, with videos of wonderful wildflower meadows being viewed by millions and shared by thousands. Whilst this is a good start to visualising the benefits of wildflowers, we wanted to gain a better understanding of what you really thought about wildflowers beyond their beauty, your attitudes towards supporting biodiversity and how your council should or could be contributing to this.
We hoped to get around 1000 responses but were overwhelmed to hear from over 3400 people, and as the results show, you guys really love your wildflowers and want them in your local area!
Here’s what we found out:
What’s next?
We didn’t gather all this data just for the fun of it (although it was fun!). We plan to use these results to encourage more councils to sow wildflowers and promote the idea to the wider UK public through articles and press coverage.
Where can I see all the findings?
You can download our infographic of the results by clicking here, or our press release of the full findings by clicking below.