Autumn sowing: Six reasons to sow grass seed in autumn

Autumn sowing: Six reasons to sow grass seed in autumn featured image
Autumn is a great time of year for sowing new grass seed and for overseeding existing grass but not many people know it - here's 6 reasons why you should consider sowing in autumn!

When summer winds down you may think that so does all lawncare, but if you're as sensible as we think you are - you'll know that autumn is one of the best times to sow grass seed!

More: How to keep your lawn healthy in autumn and winter

You can sow grass seed when temperatures are 8-10 degrees and above, and in many places throughout the UK we are still reaching these temperatures until mid October. Sowing in autumn means less work for you in spring, so you can kick back, relax and enjoy all that the coming summer has to offer!

6 reasons to sow grass seed in autumn: 

  1. Better conditions: Soil is much warmer, air is cooler and there is more rain - this provides better conditions for germination.
  2. Less weeds: Weed seedlings are more rampant in spring, so your autumn sown grass will have less competition as it establishes. 
  3. Ahead of the game: You are ahead of the game for next season - no need to reseed in spring as you will have an already established lawn.
  4. Ready for summer: Sowing in autumn means your lawn will develop the whole of winter when the space is not used. Sowing in spring means your lawn will still be developing in summer, at a time when you want to make the most of your garden.
  5. Less watering: Spring sowing means you have to worry more about hot weather and the availability of water. But in autumn, there is more chance of rain and less chance of you using the garden hose!
  6. Bigger, better, brighter!:  Young grass plants have more time to grow and get healthy before next summer's stress comes. You are giving them a head start to be as strong as possible so your lawn emerges bigger, better and brighter!

Want to learn how to sow grass seed in autumn? Read our guides:

Sowing grass seed in September

Autumn sowing guide