What height should a bird table be?

What height should a bird table be? featured image
The ideal height for a bird table should be between 120 – 180cm off the ground. The higher a bird table is from the ground, the harder it will be for cats to approach unnoticed. But you don’t want it too high, making it harder for you to reach. The best place in your garden is somewhere that gives birds the best visibility and is at a height that’s easy for you to clean and refill.

Where should you put your bird table?

Since you're thinking, 'What height should a bird table be?', also consider the following tips when deciding where in your garden to put your bird table to ensure your local birds get the most from the bird food you're offering them:

In a quiet area

A bird table is best placed in an area of your garden where humans will not disturb them. This is usually a quiet place in your back garden, but this doesn’t mean you should place them too far from the house because part of the fun of feeding birds is watching them get excited at mealtimes!

Fun Fact: wild birds often use your house, garage roof or tall trees as lookout points. Birds do this to make sure the area is safe before grabbing their snacks, and it can also be quite comical to see them queuing up and taking turns to peck at the food you have provided.

Somewhere open with all-round visibility

Bird tables are best placed in an area of your garden where birds can spot predators that may be approaching. You should also choose a place away from cat ambush locations, including walls and fences from where cats can jump and dense bushes where they can hide.

In a place sheltered from sunlight

Place your bird table in an area away from direct sunlight. This ensures their food doesn’t heat up and it will be fresher for longer.

Somewhere sheltered from the wind

Placing your bird table in an area sheltered from the wind will make it easier for birds to enjoy their food. They will not have to fight against the wind, and it will also stop food from blowing around and creating a mess.

Consider what bird table design is best for your garden

A traditionally designed bird table will be ideal for most gardens. We have ensured our bird tables are durable and stylish while also giving birds the safe feeding location they need to feast in peace. Our bird tables are also easy to reach for cleaning and refilling.

Some birds, such as blackbirds, thrushes and chaffinches, prefer to feed on the ground, so consider providing a ground feeder if they frequently visit your garden. But if cats are common in your area, then a hanging table would be a safer option!

This is because a hanging bird table has the advantage of being able to be hung from a tree branch, a wall-mounted bracket or even from the washing line. This gets the bird table out of reach from cats if you have a lot of feline activity around your garden.

Placing multiple bird tables in your garden is a good idea if you can. This will reduce the number of birds using the same table and prevent a build-up of food and droppings in one location, which is a more hygienic and relaxing experience for everyone.

Recap on what height should a bird table be...

  • The ideal height should be between 120 – 180cm off the ground
  • The higher a bird table is from the ground, the harder it will be for cats to approach unnoticed
  • The best place in your garden is somewhere that gives birds the best visibility
  • And it should be at a height that’s easy for you to clean and refill

If you have any queries or would like advice on what height your bird table should be or where to place it, please send us a message, and we will be happy to help.