But fear not, many UK homeowners are no strangers to shade in their lawns caused by trees, shrubs, fences and buildings. So, how do you solve this common issue? Well, all you need is a shade mix for lawns that don't get as much sunlight as a regular garden lawn.
The science of our shade mix for lawns
A question we often get asked about our shade mixes for lawns is, ‘Does it grow in the sun, too?’ and the answer is simply yes, it does! The species within our mixes are not solely for growing in the shade but are tolerant of different shade levels. This means our shade mix for lawns can also grow in the sun. All grass species have different traits, so we put the seeds biologically best at growing in the shade in our shade mixes! It’s really that simple.
What’s in the mix?
We have two mixes for shade. STEADFAST: Shade is for dappled non-permanent shade that moves across the lawn during the day. This type of shade usually causes patchiness, and if it receives any wear and tear it can make it difficult for grass to grow back. Our STEADFAST: Shade contains 20% perennial ryegrass to make your lawn hardwearing, whilst a blend of 70% fescues (Strong Creeping Red Fescue, Chewings Fescue, Hard Fescue) provides lushness. Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass makes up 10% of the mix, providing the shade tolerance your lawn needs.

STEADFAST: Ultra Shade is the ideal solution for the areas in your lawn that just don’t seem to grow and are in shade for most of the day or all day. Lush Chewings Fescue makes up 50% of the mix, followed by 40% of shade tolerant Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass. The special ingredient is 10% of Poa Supina – a revolutionary grass that can grow in little to no light. Â

What one should I go for?
Most lawns suffer from some shade, so you may be wondering if you need to try one of our shade mixes. The answer is easy - if you have spots in your lawn that, no matter what grass seed you try, just don't seem to grow - then you need to try our seed! Our grass seed mixes come with a Grass Seed Growth Guarantee and can be blended for your ultimate lawn.
For example, if you have clay soils but also get a lot of shade - our IMPRESS: Clay Master and STEADFAST: Ultra Shade will make the perfect combo. Not quite sure how much you need? Use our Grass Seed Calculator.
Of course, if you're unsure what shade mix you need, you can always send us a few photos of your lawn to [email protected] to help us advise you on what mix to go for!