Spring into Seeding: How to sow grass seed

Spring into Seeding: How to sow grass seed featured image

Growing season is almost upon us, (actually we know a few who have already begun in warmer parts of the UK) so now’s the time to prepare for sowing grass seed in spring.

It is recommended for fast germination and rapid establishment; your grass seed needs warm soil, around 6-8 degrees Celsius, which means air temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius and plenty of moisture.

We often find these growing conditions here in the UK in spring during February, March, April and May when the weather brings mild temperatures and plenty of rainy days.

On a side note, you can sow seed right through the summer and autumn; however, users should note that during summer, you are more prone to very dry, hot conditions, and the seed may dry out if not watered regularly.

Sowing seed in spring

If you are seeding a new lawn from scratch follow these simple steps:

Preparing the ground

  • Remove any debris or weeds
  • Rest the soil for 10-14 days to cultivate - dig out any returning weeds as they appear
  • (Optional) Feed the soil with QUICK RELEASE: Pre – Seed fertiliser
  • Ensure you don’t run out of seed by dividing the ground into sections

Sowing the grass seed

  • Sow the grass seed by hand, spreader or seed drill
  • Follow the instructions on the grass seed label
  • Sow at a rate of 50grams per square metre
  • Rake soil lightly over the seed, then tread lightly to firm in. Aim to bed the seed 5-10mm deep under the soil.

If you have a few bare patches poking through, these pointers will help you overseed your lawn.

Overseeding your lawn in spring


  • Weed the lawn and remove any boulders, stones etc.
  • Scarify the soil to remove moss and loosen the soil
  • Rest the soil for 10-14 days to cultivate - dig out any returning weeds as they appear
  • Fertilise the soil with QUICK RELEASE: Spring/Summer

Sowing the grass seed

  • Mow your grass to approximately 25mm in length
  • Moisten the soil
  • Sprinkle the seed onto the grass evenly - apply more in patchy or thinner areas.
  • The seeds should be applied at a rate of 35g per square metre as standard; however, if patchy areas are present, apply at a rate of 50g per square metre
  • Water your lawn after reseeding
  • Roll the lawn (optional)
  • Continue to mow the grass regularly with care and attention

Grass seed needs to be snugly surrounded by soil to germinate. The seed also needs air, so remember not to compact it too tightly.