How to mow grass in summer

How to mow grass in summer featured image

In summer, our grass grows back twice as fast making you wonder how often you should be mowing it. Whether our UK weather brings downpours or heatwaves, it can be challenging to know if the mower should stay in or out of the shed! To to ensure your summer mowing efforts are not in vain, we’ll teach you how to mow grass correctly in summer with our handy guide below:

Mowing grass during the summer months

Your lawn will require frequent mowing as the weather begins to warm up in May and June, for most people in the UK this will mean mowing once a week. For high traffic family lawns, aim for a mowing height of 20-40mm, which is the medium level on most mowers. For fine-leafed, ornamental-style lawns, which include a high proportion of fescues, aim to cut to a height of 10-20mm. Mowing your lawn at the right height will help to keep it healthy and bounce back in summer.

Read more about mowing your lawn in summer here.

Why is it important to mow my lawn correctly?

Mowing your lawn at the right frequency, and at the right height, increases the quality of its growth, decreases weeds/disease and helps your grass to bounce back and grow beautifully.  Mowing correctly also means making sure your lawnmower is in good nick, so remember to regularly service your lawn mower and keep the blades sharp. After each cut, clean out the mower’s undercarriage and empty the clippings bag.

Need some mowing tips? Find out more on how to make the most of your mowing in our blog here.

Grass growth rate in July and August

In July and August, the weather conditions can affect the growth habits of your lawn. Generally, your lawn may grow slower in Southern England as it is quite dry and usually warmer. If this is the case, we recommend you continue to cut it at least once every two weeks. If you are based in northerly parts of the UK, you may find regular cutting is still required right through the summer.

Don’t mow your grass during a summer heatwave

Be aware your grass can be temperamental in very hot weather. The best practice is to raise your mower blades since close cutting may damage the grass. But if the lawn is not growing due to drought conditions, do not attempt to cut it!

As the weather begins to downturn and the heat returns to normal, you will find that light rains will boost growth in the grass again during late August and September. The mowing rate will be similar to May and June. This time of year creates the perfect conditions for moss growth with the heat and moisture. You may want to consider applying a Feed, Weed and Mosskiller, and it is also good practice to keep your lawn at a higher blade level.

Our Summer Lawn Care advice blog post is a good source for further reading and keeping your lawn looking fantastic this time of year.

You will also find our Grass Seed and Fertiliser Help & Advice sections handy to ensure your lawn stays beautiful and healthy all year round.