What is Clover All Over?
Clover All Over 100% Micro Clover Seed is a versatile product that can be used to overseed an existing lawn and turn it into a clover-filled paradise, fill in problematic patches, and help create wild spaces in your garden! This fast-growing magic seed will cover your ground in luscious clusters of evergreen clover that will survive drought and grow in the poorest of soils.
What’s the difference between Clover All Over and ECO: Clover Lawn?
Our ECO: Clover Lawn mix contains grass and clover seed to help you create a clover lawn from scratch. Clover All Over is 100% micro clover seed and is best used as an overseeder for an existing lawn or for growing in problematic areas.
Is Clover All Over a 100% micro clover seed or a seed mix of clover and grass?
Clover All Over contains 100% micro clover seeds and no grass seed.
Can I blend your 100% Micro Clover with another grass seed mix?
Yes, mixing Clover All Over with our grass seed mixes is fine, and you should sow the clover as 5% of the mix - this means if you have a 10kg bag of grass seed, you should add 500g of clover seed.
Is Micro Clover Seed good for a lawn with pets?
Micro clover is not harmful to dogs or cats and poses no risk to your furry housemates. Clover is also hardwearing and self-repairs to fill out worn parts of your garden, thickening up patchy areas quickly. So, while it's unlikely that your vet will suggest your pets make clover the staple of their diet, clover will recover quickly from wear and tear and won't do them any harm - even if they are determined to find out what it tastes like!
What’s the difference between Clover All Over and wildflower seed?
It is technically a ‘wild’ plant, but it differs from wildflower seed in how it grows.
Unlike wildflowers, clover has a dense and low-growing growth habit, which differs from wildflowers we are used to seeing, such as cornfield annuals. However, like wildflowers, clover is excellent at growing in poor soils and can provide much-needed nutrients, such as nitrogen, to help the area stay green and thrive. In addition, it produces stunning white flowers in the summer months, which bees and other pollinators simply love!
Can I blend Clover All Over with wildflower seed?
Since clover is classed as a wildflower, it can be mixed with anything. We only advise you to check if your wildflower seed mix includes clover already, as it could easily take over and could easily take over and prevent your other plants from thriving. If mixing with wildflower seed, you should aim to mix your 100% clover seed at a rate of no more than 0.05g per square metre.
How would sowing with grass or wildflower seed affect the sowing rates for micro clover?
Sowing 100% clover with grass seed requires 5% of the mix to be clover – this doesn’t sound like a lot, but clover seeds are tiny and hardy and thrive well once they get going! As for sowing with wildflowers, it depends on how much of the wildflower mix is clover already.
How long does micro clover take to grow from seed?
Clover germinates within 7-28 days, depending on growing conditions, soil quality and the weather. Ideal growing temperatures are similar to grass seed; for best results, we recommend sowing when temperatures are at least 8°C day and night for two weeks. After 6 – 8 weeks, your clover paradise will be beautifully established and ready to enjoy.
How to sow 100% clover seed
Clover germinates, establishes, and grows in all soil types and conditions. The main tip for success is preparation, even though not much is involved. For example, if you’re sowing only clover onto bare soil, prepare the seedbed as you would when sowing grass seed and ensure the seeds are sown to approximately 5-10mm deep.
Check out our guide on How to sow 100% Clover seed for more information.
What’s the sowing rate for Clover All Over?
The perfect sowing rate for Clover All Over is 10g per m2 if sowing onto bare soil or 5g per m2 if overseeding onto grass seed.
What time of year does clover grow best?
For best results, we recommend sowing clover between spring and autumn. You can also sow clover seeds in the summer, but remember to stick to the regular watering routine for the first few weeks and ensure the seeds don’t dry out. If temperatures are pushing 20°C and above, it’s better to wait until conditions have returned to normal and then sow.
What height does micro clover grow to?
Clover will grow naturally to around 4-6 inches tall. If you prefer a neater and lower-growing clover carpet look across your lawn, you can encourage clover to grow smaller by mowing more often.
Does micro clover flower?
Our micro clover will flower in late spring / summer months, giving you a beautiful peppering of dainty white clover flowers across your garden lawn. These flowers add character to any garden while also helping support the natural habitat of bees and butterflies – and like most other wildflowers – clover satisfies the needs of many birds and bugs, too!
Does micro clover die in winter?
Clover does not die in winter, but like most garden plants in the UK, winter is a time of dormancy. So, don’t expect to see your clover flowering during the winter months, but it remains very green in winter and might surprise you how healthy it looks when other plants look poorly.
Will 100% Clover grow in shaded areas of my garden?
Clover grows well in shaded areas of your lawn since it’s commonly found on the woodland floor beneath the forest canopy. However, like most plants, it will grow better if it receives sunlight throughout the day. So don’t be surprised to see it grow better in areas of your lawn basked in sunlight for a few hours each day.
Will clover grow in poor soil conditions?
Our 100% Clover Seed will grow in a very wide range of conditions and is suitable for all soil types. Since it’s self-repairing and drought—and shade-tolerant, clover is known to grow well in areas where nothing seems to grow!
Tips for growing Clover All Over – 100% Micro Clover
We have included some links below for further reading to get yourself up to speed on the ins and outs of clover and clover lawns: