How to choose horse paddock grass seed

How to choose horse paddock grass seed featured image

Choosing horse paddock grass seed differs from domestic grass seed since you want the best feed, nutrients and ground coverage for your horses and ponies. Keep reading for helpful information on choosing the best paddock grass seed to keep your equestrian companions happy and healthy!

How do I decide what horse paddock grass seed to use?

To help you decide what horse paddock grass seed to choose, consider what you want from your paddock. For example, we know it’s common to want your paddock to produce a lot of grass to be cut for hay and to provide grass for your horses and ponies to graze on.

To ensure your paddock is a good place for your horses and ponies to graze while also producing resourceful swards of grass that can be used for hay, we recommend sectioning off your paddock into two areas. Doing this will offer your horses plentiful grass for grazing, while the other area used solely for growing longer grass for hay will be undisturbed!

Choosing the best horse paddock grass seed

We have different horse paddock grass seed options to fulfil the needs of your horses and ponies. Of course, grasses that are beneficial for horses to graze on while providing a sustainable hay yield are the main priority and will ensure your horses get the most from your paddock.

Paddock seed for a high hay yield

A seed mix like our NURTURE: Paddock grass seed offers a high hay yield while providing a beneficial food source for your horses. This seed mix features a range of expertly selected hardwearing grass species that produce high-quality hay for 3-5 years.NURTURE: Paddock is supplied in a 12kg bag with enough seed for 1x acre of ground coverage.

We also have NURTURE: Paddock Overseeder, which comes in a 6kg bag and is also ideal for overseeding up to 1x acre of a paddock.

NURTURE: Paddock horse paddock grass seedNURTURE: Paddock horse paddock overseeder grass seedNURTURE: Paddock includes the following grass seed make-up:

Grass Type % Description
Perennial Ryegrass 50 Offers a dense and hardwearing sward with a high leaf content. It also provides aggressive growth and will tiller out well.
Creeping Red Fescue 25 Provides creeping fibrous roots and is durable to minimise trampling damage.
Timothy 12.5 Ideal for horses as it is very nutritious and easy to digest. It also tolerates wet conditions exceptionally well and grows well in heavy soils.
Meadow Fescue 12.5 Offers early spring growth, creates a durable bottom layer and reduces the risk of poaching

Horse paddock grass seed with herbs for your horse’s diet

If you want to offer your horses and paddock more nutritional benefits, our NURTURE: Paddock with Herbs is the best option. This seed mixture will help improve your paddock’s soil structure for a long-term grazing paddock while the included nutritious grass species benefit your horse’s diet!

NURTURE: Paddock with herbs horse paddock grass seedNurture: Paddock with Herbs consists of the following grass seed make-up:

Grass Type % Description
Perennial Ryegrass 48 Produces a dense hardwearing sward with a high leaf content. It has aggressive growth and will tiller out well.
Creeping Red Fescue 24 Small amounts of this provide creeping fibrous roots.
Timothy 12 Ideal for horses as it is very palatable. It tolerates wet conditions extremely well. Likes heavy soil.
Meadow Fescue 12 Offers an early spring growth with a regrowth consisting mainly of leafy shoots.
Plantain 1.6% It grows adequately and helps the horse’s digestion.
Agri Burnet 0.8% High in vitamins, recovers quickly after grazing and cutting, and is very drought tolerant.
Yarrow 0.8% Horses love the taste, and it provides a natural boost to their immune system.
Sheep’s Parsley 0.8% It helps to increase diversity and growth by bolstering the soil profile.

How do the herbs help?

The herbs included in our NURTURE: Paddock with Herbs are a mix of Plantain, Agri Burnet, Yarrow and Sheep’s Parsley. This combination provides ample nutrients and vitamins for your horses and helps create a versatile grazing area for your paddock. These nutrients are a beneficial addition to your horse and ponies’ diet while also helping to maintain the growth of your paddock!

We also have a guide on seasonal horse paddock maintenance, but if you have any questions regarding anything to do with your horse paddock, please get in touch; we will be happy to help!