Great Lawns Made Simple: How to repair a lawn

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Learn how to repair a lawn with our latest video guide from our informative series Great Lawns Made Simple.

There are many reasons why a small patch of lawn needs to be repaired. There can be a clump of weeds, moss or a favourite spot your dog likes. Our latest video guide shows you how to get rid of patches and repair your lawn.

Tips mentioned in this video:

How to repair a lawn

  • If repairing with new seed, this is best done in spring or autumn as conditions are suitable for good growth
  • First, we need to strip the existing turf off. Use a spade to dig a layer of the earth off. If there are weeds, then remove them completely, including all the roots
  • Lightly fork over the soil to loosen the soil bed, and then apply some good topsoil to create a mini seedbed. Sprinkle seed over the top and water lightly
  • You can easily protect a smaller area like this from birds. Keep watered if dry weather and avoid mowing the repaired grass until at least 7cm high

How to overseed your lawn

  • Overseeding is adding seed to an existing lawn to improve its quality and appearance
  • If you have sacrificed your lawn and removed lots of moss, your lawn may need overseeded
  • Rake out any dead thatch or grass first. Work out the area of your garden that needs to be covered and apply either by hand or by seed spreader
  • Adjust your spreader rate and apply the seed at the recommended overseeding rate. Lightly cover with some topsoil to help seeds bed in and germinate

Want to know more? Check out the rest of our Great Lawns Made Simple series.