Bird feeder or bird table

Bird feeder or bird table featured image

If you're uncertain about choosing between a bird feeder or bird table we have written a guide about each of their benefits and help you to understand which one is best suited for you.

We are here to help you decide what is right for your garden when it comes to a bird feeder or bird table. Bird feeders and tables are great options for feeding birds quality bird food, so what would make you choose one over the other? They also come in different shapes, sizes, uses and materials, making choosing the right one for you and the birds visiting you a little more difficult!

So, what's better - a bird feeder or bird table?

Understanding the difference between the two feeding options and some of their features will help you to understand which one you should go for. This then begs the question of choosing between bird feeders and bird tables.

Hanging feeders

  • They are easy to clean
  • Easy to refill
  • Convenient to hang up
  • Take up less space
  • It comes in different sizes
  • Can protect against pests
  • Lessens spillage

Hanging seed feeders are arguably one of the most popular choices for feeding birds. This is mainly because hanging feeders are easy to set up, and wild birds love feeding at them! Most hanging seed feeders come in a tubular design and are designed to dispense various types of seed mixtures and straights. Although designs may vary, a good hanging feeder should make it easy to refill and clean.

Hanging feeders are convenient for everyone

Hanging feeders take up little space, and most people with an outside area can easily find somewhere to put their feeders. If not, a bracket on a wall will hold a hanging feeder and keep it secure.

Hanging feeders can come in different sizes and can also hold various types of seeds, nuts or grains. Whilst this gives you much more freedom with your feeding/variety for your visitors, it also helps to lessen spillage as feeders fit each purpose.

Our Flo Seed Feeder is a great starting point for anyone keen to start feeding birds and is also available as a standalone niger seed feeder, whilst our Ring-Pullâ„¢ Click range has seed feeders, niger and peanut feeders covered.

Squirrel resistant feeders

Squirrels can suddenly become troublesome when feeding birds by gnawing at feeders and breaking them or successfully thieving food. So, by opting for a squirrel-resistant feeder like our Squirrel Buster Bird Feeder, you can ensure your bird food goes to the intended guest and prevent your feeder from becoming damaged.

With a table feeder, this isn't possible, so if you have a particular problem with squirrels, this may be the best option.

Seed specific feeders

If you are keen to attract a more specific type of garden bird, a seed-specific feeder might be your solution. The tit family are known for their love of peanuts, and we have peanut feeders specifically designed to keep peanuts intact and allow for easy feeding.  Finches love niger seed, but this needs to be served in a special niger feeder to dispense it without spillage.

Bird tables

  • Easy to assemble
  • It makes an attractive garden feature
  • Less refilling needed
  • Great if you have nowhere to hang a feeder
  • Can placed anywhere in your garden
  • More varied designs

Bird feeding tables are an incredibly charming outdoor feature, and when birds begin to use them, they can easily become the centrepiece of your garden. Besides their good looks, bird feeding tables provide a sheltered spot for birds to come and go as they please. As they aren't specific to any food, birds can enjoy whatever you put out for them, whether a mixture, straight or a blend of both.

Feeding tables are easy to assemble

Despite their robust structures, bird feeding tables are effortless to assemble and can be moved to any position in your garden or outdoor space. This is probably one of the biggest benefits of a table feeder, especially if you want to have your bird feeder near your window or in another spot to watch all the busy activity.

There are table designs to suit all garden styles

Bird feeding tables offer a much more relaxed approach to feeding birds, as unless you are up close and monitoring it every day, it can be difficult to see just how much of your food is being eaten and when.

The varied designs of feeding tables may also sway you from a hanging bird feeder, as they may fit in better with the style of your garden. Our Bird CuisineBird Inn, Bird Platform and Warbler Bird Table are all traditional models, and their timeless designs will never go out of style. Our Vermont Barn bird table is a bespoke design for those who want their bird feeder table to stand out.

Hanging bird tables

You can opt for a hanging feeder table to get the best of both worlds between a hanging feeder and a feeder table. Our Carlton Seed Feeder and Chartwell Seed Feeders can easily hang from a tree, bracket or wall. Made from FSC wood, these feeders make bird feeding easy and add real character to your garden.

Deciding on a bird feeder or bird table

If you are still unsure what option is best for you when contemplating a bird feeder or a bird table, you should consider three things:

  • The space you have
  • The time available to clean and refill feeders
  • And, when it comes down to it - looks.

Pondering these three points will help you decide what you and your visitors will be most happy with! But if you are still unsure, please get in touch, and we will be happy to discuss it.