5 unusual facts about grass

5 unusual facts about grass featured image

Read our 5 weird and wonderful facts about grass! There's plenty more where this came from...

We know a lot about grass so we share some of the most unusual and interesting facts we have, perhaps you can play a game of 'grass-trivia' with them!

Grass Facts

Fact #1

Did you know grasses make up the world’s most significant food source? All grasses from oats and barley for human consumption through to grazing grass for animals are part of the Pocease family, the most abundant of all plant families on earth.

Fact #2

There are over 10,000 varieties of grass plants in the Poaceae family. Here at The Grass People, our mixtures include varieties such as Perennial Ryegrass, Chewings fescue, and Browntop bentgrass, to name but a few.

Want to learn more? Check out our blog on grass species!

Fact #3

The largest variety of grass is giant bamboo, which can grow up to 151 feet tall. We don’t sell it here at The Grass People because we could never ship it!

Fact #4

A 2,500-square-foot lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four. Grass lawns improve air quality by producing oxygen and trapping airborne dust particles and other contaminants.

Fact #5

Grass can grow everywhere – Varieties of grass grow on all continents in the world, even in polar regions.

Here's our video with a whole host of extra facts and the answer to the question on everyone's minds: What causes that fresh-cut grass smell?


1 - "Grasses Are Very Common but Very Important," National Forage & Grasslands Curriculum 2 - "Grasses Are Very Common but Very Important," National Forage & Grasslands Curriculum 3 - "What is the Tallest Grass Plant in the World?," USDA: Grass Roots Initiative 4 - "Lawn and Turfgrass Facts and Stats" The Lawn Institute 5 - "Transcriptome sequencing of the Antarctic vascular plant Deschampsia antarctica Desv. under abiotic stress," US National Library of Medicine, November 2012